What You Can Learn About Yourself From An ACL Tear?

After 4 different doctors & an MRI, I finally got the truth...  ---- I wish I could say it happened as I was running from rebels after preaching the Gospel in a closed country. But the truth is it happened in Senegal while playing basketball with some missionaries I went to visit. It wasn't even … Continue reading What You Can Learn About Yourself From An ACL Tear?

3 Indispensable Tools for Great Relationships

1. A Thankfulness Override - You have a healthy thankfulness override when your positive thoughts and feelings towards another so pervasive that they tend to supersede any negative thoughts and feelings. Paul said in Philippians 1:3, "I thank my God upon every remembrance of you..." Think about your most significant relationships, are you in thankfulness … Continue reading 3 Indispensable Tools for Great Relationships

Protect Yourself From Spiritual Identity Theft

God gives us a new nature when we put our faith in Christ Jesus. He renews our minds and gives us the mind of Christ so that we can understand all the things that God has freely given us. Yet so many never fully embrace the abundant life in Christ because their true identity gets … Continue reading Protect Yourself From Spiritual Identity Theft

Confessions Of A Disabled Pastor

So I have been sitting on the couch for the past 10 days contemplating life. I've come to the conclusion that it was no accident that God allowed me to tear my ACL. God knew that for me, like Jacob, in order to stop stubbornly struggling, I need a little crippling from time to time. … Continue reading Confessions Of A Disabled Pastor

There Is A Way…

There is a way that seems right to a man: Each morning we rise and hurry on our way to attend to our unattended busyness. We press and push down the road of life with all the rest not realizing we travel a road that never leads to rest. But we feel pressured and so … Continue reading There Is A Way…

6 Powerful Tips To Make Your Marriage THRIVE

There is a natural tendency in marriage to just SURVIVE and fail to THRIVE. You know - there is nothing necessarily wrong with your marriage, but there is not a whole lot that's particularly great about it either.  Here are six tips that Nannette and I have found helpful in our marriage over the years … Continue reading 6 Powerful Tips To Make Your Marriage THRIVE

7 Reasons Why Dating May Hurt Your Chances At Marriage

1. Dating is about checking each other out. Marriage is about accepting each other fully Dating makes us skeptical by nature. It builds a habit of evaluating the other person based on their merits. You find yourself ask questions like, "Is this the best person for me?", "How long should I put up with this?", … Continue reading 7 Reasons Why Dating May Hurt Your Chances At Marriage

4 Ways To Raise Your Self-Worth & Not Be A Narcissist!

What is self-worth? It is simply the sense of one’s own value or worth.  -- I'm cautious about writing about self-worth because the cultural understanding of self-worth is based primarily on having a greater admiration and esteem for your self. This brand of self-worth is actually narcissism. There is a great difference between being a … Continue reading 4 Ways To Raise Your Self-Worth & Not Be A Narcissist!

9 Habits Of Genuinely Happy People

Everyone wants to be happy! From birth we are infused with an innate ability to be happy, to laugh, to giggle and delight in the simplest of things. But as we grow older and get more complicated, we actually lose the ability to be happy. In order to be truly happy we must first first … Continue reading 9 Habits Of Genuinely Happy People

Are You Missing Out On The Most Profound Experience of Life?

I am often asked, "Why discipleship? Why should I commit to a discipleship program like Impact195?" -- Because truly following Jesus is tough -- We all need equipping! -- The road to maturity in Christ is a narrow one. There are lots of detours and distractions along the way. Jesus warned that the way that … Continue reading Are You Missing Out On The Most Profound Experience of Life?

7 Simple Keys To Becoming Truly Successful!

God wants you to be enormously and wildly successful! -- Think about it -- He has stacked everything extraordinarily in your favor: He made you more than a conquerors through Christ (Rom. 8:37) He always leads you in triumph in Christ (2 Cor. 2:14) He has given you everything you need for life and godliness … Continue reading 7 Simple Keys To Becoming Truly Successful!

Do You Know The 4 Billion-Person Need?

What are oral cultures and why are they so important? Orality is simply a term is used to describe a method of communication.  An oral culture is one in which the majority of people communicate primarily through spoken as opposed to written word. Often, this includes cultures that have no written language or very high … Continue reading Do You Know The 4 Billion-Person Need?